CAKE BY THE OCEAN: Now showing at Ramp Gallery, Hamilton
Cat Fooks
04/08/22 — 02/09/22
Cat Fooks
04/08/22 — 02/09/22
Cat Fooks’ CAKE BY THE OCEAN is now showing at Ramp Gallery, School of Media Arts, Wintec Te Pūkenga, 111 Collingwood St, Hamilton Kirikiriroa. Exhibition runs until 2 September. Gallery hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays 10-2.30pm.
Chat with Cat: Cat Fooks will be at the Gallery Saturday 20 August 11am-3pm.
Special thanks to Director of Ramp Gallery, Hollie Tawhio, the Ramp Gallery Team and exhibition designer Micheal McCabe.
The exhibition is accompanied by a publication by Lachlan Taylor with photographs by Samuel Hartnett, designed by Area Design.
Near the end of his essay, Taylor writes, “Objects given the bric treatment are gently othered, somehow lesser in their status to the rest of the things that surround our
lives. What are we to make of these objects, of the secondhand things we vainly hope might find a second home? Too good for the dump, too shabby for the op-shop. Fooks’ art isn’t an advertisement for upcycling or regeneration, a call for renewed use. She just wants us to look at this cast of weirded things — bedazzled, pulled apart, recombined, and drowned in paint. In her hands, these objects demand our attention again. Which is why bricolage, coming from the ivory tower as it does, is the perfect adjective for her work. Because Fooks’ objects and even her paints, the things she has welcomed into the orbit of her practice, are other objects, domestic ricochets.”
Minnow, 2022 (reverse)
Enamel and mixed media, 380 x 360 x 200mm
Minnow, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 380 x 360 x 200mm
Kobold, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 610 x 300 x 300mm
Miss America, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 930 x 910 x 610mm
Miss America, 2022 (alternative view)
Enamel and mixed media, 930 x 910 x 610mm
Lolli Bionda, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 300 x 240 x 240mm
Picotee, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 430 x 250 x 230mm
Frog’s Button, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 210 x 200 x 200
Pony Tail Palm, 2022
Enamel and mixed media, 700 x 550 x 440mm
Pony Tail Palm, 2022 (detail)
Pony Tail Palm, 2022 (detail)
Hogback Island, 2020
Oil and mixed media, 500 x 180 x 180mm