Tyrone Te Waa. Photograph: Samuel Hartnett with additions by Samuel Almeida Díaz
1. Mycelium, 2023
Wool, stretcher, nylon, 1350 x 260mm
2. Wake up, you Kumara! 2023
Wool, stretcher, nylon, 950 x 185mm
Wake up, you Kumara! 2023 (detail)
3. Kaukau, 2023
Wool, fringe, stretcher, 500 x 255mm
3. Kaukau, 2023 (reverse)
Wake up, you Kumara! 2023, Kaukau, 2023 and Bird Snare from Ongarue Pub (after Nanny Te Kehi), 2023 installed in WīWīWāWā
4. Bird Snare from Ongarue Pub (after Nanny Te Kehi), 2023
Japanese cotton, metal, felt, 1880 x 950mm
5. Scrappy and Tau, 2023 (with Samuel Montgomerey)
Wool, thread, salvaged textiles with reclaimed kauri, chestnut and purple heart (feet), 2500 and 2330mm H
5. Scrappy and Tau, 2023 (detail)
5. Scrappy and Tau, 2023 (detail)
6. Tohu Tohunga, 2023
Wool, timber, metal, felt, 1800 x 500mm
6. Tohu Tohunga, 2023 (detail)
6. Tohu Tohunga, 2023 (detail)
7. Tōku Ringaringa / My Hands (A Ngāti Porou Story), 2023
Wool, kawakawa washed denim, stretcher, each 350 x 185mm
8. Hotdog Dream, 2023
Thread, wool, felt, 450 x 375mm plus threads
9. Spicy Fish, 2023
Wool, synthetic and incense (burns), 320 x 285mm
10. The Parata’s Mouth (A Te Arawa Story), 2023
Wool, synthetic, 320 x 285mm
11. Golden Girl née Ol’ Comrade, 2021-23
Thread and salvaged textiles, 570 x 390mm
12. Maunga Kawakawa, 2023
13. Huarahi (Te Porere Pā) at the feet of Tongariro, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 305 x 355mm
14. Manunui, 2023
Wool, stretcher, found fringing, 510 x 280mm
15. Swamp Hen, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 460 x 240mm
16. Tekau mā whā, 2023
Wool, stretcher, waxed string, 410 x 185mm
17. Ripped Couch, 2023
Wool, synthetic, 350 x 290mm
18. Switch, 2023
Wool, synthetic, 320 x 285mm
19. The Shroud of Carmen Rupe, 2023
Wool, 350 x 280mm
19. The Shroud of Carmen Rupe, 2023 (reverse)
20. Ufff, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 245 x 185mm
21. On the blower with Nan, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 245 x 185mm
22. Taniwha Guru, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 325 x 230mm
23. Hupe, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 245 x 185mm
24. Tri-hard, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 255 x 190mm (this work is a pair with Tri-harder)
24. Tri-harder, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 255 x 190mm (this work is a pair with Tri-hard)
25. Semaphore, 2023
Wool, stretcher, 255 x 500mm
26. Kōkō, 2023
Wool, fringe, stretcher, 410 x 215mm
27. Ruru Pigeon, 2023
Cotton, velvet, thread, ribbon, stretcher, fringing, 390 x 185mm
27. Ruru Pigeon, 2023 (detail)